
Thursday, June 11, 2015

The North

After another amazing breakfast yesterday at the intercontinental hotel in tel Aviv (it feels like a week ago), we checked out and boarded our bus for our trip to the northern part of the country and a trip back in time. 
Our first stop was to a kibbutz (I cannot remember the name) where we learned about life for the first kibbutznik  settlers.  It was fascinating to learn about just how tough life was and then to learn about how kibbutz life has changed and adapted to modern life.
Our next stop took us all the way back to biblical days.  We made pita and rode donkeys.  I don't have any pictures so we will add them later....these could be the best pictures from the trip.  
Back on the bus and miraculously most of the kids passed out for a nice little nap and then we woke them and all but the littlest boys went rafting down the Jordan river.  Yep, this is still a single day.  This was relaxing and fun (for most of us) and the truly fascinating part was to see all of the different groups both on the river and hanging out on the banks.  There were some American tour groups that were obviously college aged Birthright groups, but there were also ultra orthodox men with life jackets over their ankle length overcoats, groups with Arab girls with leggings and skirts, Israeli school groups, and soldiers.  Everyone was laughing and goofing off in exactly the same way, reminding us that  despite what the news may say, Israel is a country full of fun loving and very normal people who despite dressing differently and believing differently, all love to laugh and be silly
From there we moved into our latest hotel/resort and after cleaning up, met for another amazing buffet.
After dinner, the big kids went back to their rooms while the little boys ran around like madmen amongst the other little kids that are staying here.
This brings me to this morning...some adults will go for a hike while the kids all sleep in and then we will have another crazy day.

Pictures will follow...I only took a few yesterday and the Internet here is terrible.

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